Australia Cruise 2019
Sunday March 24, 2019
Detroit to Los Angeles 6:13 - 8:15 PM Delta 2752
Los Angeles to Sydney 10:15 PM - 7:10 AM Tuesday March 26 Delta 0041
Confirmation #GHOKZT
Ticket 0062166562657
Tuesday March 26 to 27, 2019
With Kerry Jones
cell 0061-414-751004
Wednesday March 27 to April 22, 2019
Cruising on Seabourn Encore Sydney to Singapore
I will be checking email every day or two
FAX to the ship is 206-501-2935
Call the ship at 866-847-0442, but you will be charged $9.50 a minute, so make it count
Booking CN2PGQ
Monday April 22 - 23, 2019
10 Bayfront Ave
+65 6688 8868
Confirmation MB557E1EC3B0
5 Day cancellation limit
LifeStyle Member 101674868 PIN 1506
Tuesday April 23
Singapore to Tokyo 5:45 AM - 2:00 PM Delta 0168
Tokyo to Detroit 3:15 - 2:09 PM Delta 0276
Confirmation JQJ9EY
Ticket 0062350964243